
When the rank of battle start the world of warships
When the rank of battle start the world of warships

when the rank of battle start the world of warships when the rank of battle start the world of warships

Replay File Name: xxx_53_Shoreside.wowsreplay.Special maps on the other hand only appear at certain times, or on special occasions. Regular maps are the ones most players are familiar with, as they feature in Random and Co-op Battles. The maps listed below are divided currently into two types: Regular and Special. This is intentional, and was done to condense gameplay and avoid long matches in which players spend inordinate amounts of time just trying to bring the enemy into engagement range. Ships are roughly twice as large than they should be put another way, each map is twice as small as it should be. It's worth noting that maps are not to scale with the ships. Map sizes vary from 24x24 km to 48x48 km. Most maps are restricted to certain tiers of ships, largely due to the speed and firing range of the ships that will play on it. Each map in World of Warships is designed to be unique and interesting while promoting fun and engaging gameplay.

When the rank of battle start the world of warships